Log in with username and password - only required if you want it on your account
Choose Gauteng transfer (for any transport in Gauteng Province, including all airports) or Western Cape (for Cape Town & airport transfers)
For every trip a separate booking must be made. For multiple pick-up and drop-off addresses, send your request to reservations@ulysses.co.za.
Enter the pick-up and drop-off address – it works with Google Maps, so enter a recognisable google address. If the Estate or Office block or street number is not listed, enter the street or suburb name, and provide the extra information under ‘Notes’.
Choose a vehicle, and provide the date and time.
Add personal details.
Click on "Confirm & pay"
On the confirmation page, check details and then either pay by credit card OR click "On Account" if it must be charged to your account.
Online bookings can’t be made for transfers within 12 hours. Contact the office for short notice transfers.